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Episode 3: Executive Function - Talking the talk, but not walking the walk

Released: 23/05/2024

Together with Natalie Mackenzie, Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapist, Paul treats us to an intriguing episode about the ‘frontal lobe paradox’ where intentions and actions do not quite mirror.

Paul brings this poorly understood concept to the forefront through his own insight building and realisations about his own executive functioning, and shares valuable strategies and tips that are beneficial to us all.

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Acknowledgement and thanks to Paul’s Podcast team:


Paul Cheese, Podcast Producer:

Dr Sally Martin-Young, Consultant Neuro Occupational Therapist and Podcast Project Manager:

Natalie Mackenzie, Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapist and Podcast PR and Marketing:


Gratitude also extends to all members of Paul’s multidisciplinary neuro rehabilitation team as without you all this unique Podcast series would not have been possible:


Rachel Wilson, Brain Injury Case Manager

Dr Alex Garfield - Neuropsychologist

Eleanor Woodward, Neuro Speech and Language Therapist

Katy James, Neuro Speech and Language Therapist

Sally De La Fontaine, Neuro Physiotherapist

Tom Nissen, Neuro Personal Trainer

Rachel Maxwell, Cognitive Rehabilitation Assistant

Ben McGuinness, Cognitive Rehabilitation Assistant

Dr Nikos Gorgoraptis, Neurologist

Dr Martine Stoffels, Neuropsychiatrist

Amy Chater, Partner, Leigh Day


Paul is also indebted to the invaluable support of all the staff, volunteers and members of the charity Brains Matter. In particular:


Kevin Bottrell, Charity Manager

Lisa-Rae Brough, Deputy Manager

Members Jules, Rob and Simon

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