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Episode 4: Vestibular Function - Running on uneven ground

Released: 07/06/2024


Paul is a keen and proficient sportsman who enjoys tennis, golf, indoor bowls and park runs. Although he could walk and move as normal following his brain injury, he was devasted to find he struggled to regain his sporting ability. Paul learnt this was as a result of damage to his vestibular system that subtly effected his balance, the control of his eye movements, and his sense of where his body was in space.


So, what is the vestibular system and why is it essential for our everyday movement and functioning?


In this episode, Paul interviews Neuro Physiotherapist, Sally De La Fontaine, who is a specialist in vestibular rehabilitation, to unravel this complex phenomenon and why it is important to engage in physical activity and challenge our bodies in a targeted way following disruption to our vestibular system.

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